Sweet Tooth

I don’t know what it is about cold, winter days, but they always make me want sweet stuff!  Specifically ice cream.  Ironic, right? 

I had a political science test today, my last class on Tues/Thurs, so I skipped out on my English class before to give me more time to study.  During my short little study review, I enjoyed a Mint Chocolate Chip Tofutti Cutie

I’m loving these things!  They are completely dairy-free and vegan, and the perfect little snack size with only 1 gram of saturated fat in a whole sandwich.  Compare that to an ice cream sandwich made with milk!

Before I started eating vegan, I really watched my saturated fat content.  I knew it was bad for my heart, plus the fact that high-saturated fat foods just make me feel gross and lethargic.  Good news, though: a vegan diet makes it SO easy to avoid those pesky saturated fats and get the healthy fats we all need!  I love that I can eat treats often that I know aren’t messing up my body because I trust the ingredients in them.

Speaking of treats, last week I ordered vegan Valentine treats for me and John (the boyfriend) from Vegan Essentials.com.  I’m currently waiting to receive the Cherry Bavarian Cream Filled Donuts, Wild at Heart Raspberry Truffles, and some Ener-G Egg Replacer (because no place in my area seems to have it, and I want it for baking!) Sadly, right after I ordered these the winter weather decided to hit us with a snow storm, delaying my package, so I’m still waiting for it to come in.  It sucks because I’m so anxious to try those donuts!! I promise to post pictures when these awesome eats do come in.

While I was studying, I took a “break” to look at a recent favorite website of mine: Etsy.com, a marketplace with all types of items made by artists of all kinds.   I just discovered some of the food shops, and happened to see this….

This little delight, made by the Etsy user SweetVegan, is called a Wookie (SandWich cOOKIE) – two vegan red velvet cake cookies with cream cheese frosting in between.  Can you say… heaven?  If I wasn’t already waiting on my body weight in sweet stuff, I’d already have my order sent in, days ago.  Check ’em out!

Obviously, I have a big sweet tooth.  And now I need to get to studying some Spanish, so I’ll leave you with one more sweet thing 🙂

About Lauren Valko

I'm a writer, blogger, and sometimes-YouTuber passionate about mental health awareness and helping others feel well in mind and body. Topics dear to my heart include adult ADHD, anxiety, mindfulness, and self-compassion. I love getting lost in good books, rich coffee, and deep conversations.
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