My new life of Veganism

With the new year, I made a big decision for myself:  that I was going to start eating completely vegan.  What is vegan, you ask?  I avoid all animal products, meaning meat and meat byproducts, dairy, and eggs.  And guess what?  I feel great!!

And the first part of my thanks goes to the writers of the book Skinny Bitch, Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.  Secondly Alicia Silverstone, writer of The Kind Diet.  I read these books in that order and it was like a little lightbulb went off in my head, over and over again.

Like most Americans (I would guess), I used to think veganism was crazy, wacko, just wishing for malnutrition and weak bones.  And I thought milk was amazing for my bones, eggs were full of healthy cholesterol, and most importantly now… I thought that these products came about naturally from healthy animals, since you don’t have to kill animals to get eggs and milk.  But that’s so wrong.  The truth is so very different from what I thought. 

 Just read the books I mentioned above.  I recommend also watching the film Food, Inc.  I dare you.  Don’t you want to know the best way to treat your body, the harness of your life and soul?  🙂  I’m serious! I thought eating this way would be challenging too, but the truth is that it is so much fun!  I have substitutes for cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, butter, milk, CHEESE, and so many other yummy foods – all free of animal products, and all delicious.  I also recently purchased the book Vegan College Cookbook from Peta – it’s a God-send!!  I can make everything in the microwave, and still eat tons of great food.  So quick and easy for me, as I study a lot and get distracted very easily (I should be studying for Spanish at this very moment, in fact).

Lastly, I just wanna say that the main reason I completely made the switch is because I realized this is how I’m meant to live.  I’ve always been a rather sensitive person, and I have always had a goal to do something with my life that allows me to help people.  Now I realize I can extend that even further.  Animals are some of the most amazing creatures ever.  I’m cuddling with my sweet little doggie while I’m typing this.  She gives me love, day after day, no matter what mood I’m in or if I get onto her or not.  And every time I come home from class, she acts as if it’s the best day of her entire life.  Plus, animals do not judge, or steal or kill or fight out of hatred.  But they are living, breathing, warm beings.  Sure, we don’t cuddle up with cows or pigs or chickens in our homes… but did you know that pigs are actually smarter than dogs?  And they will cuddle up with you, just like a dog?  And cows have shown problem solving skills, chickens will cry when they know something bad is happening (before being slaughtered).  I would never even dream of eating my sweet dog, let alone let anyone try to kill her.  I know feel the same way about all animals. I just refuse to ignore the inhuman way our animals are treated.

I feel that if there’s nothing else honorable I do while I’m on this earth, I can say that I have spared lives, and have saved those innocent beings without a voice to save themselves.

— Lauren 🙂

P.S. I will start posting pictures of vegan things I’ve been eating


About Lauren Valko

I'm a writer, blogger, and sometimes-YouTuber passionate about mental health awareness and helping others feel well in mind and body. Topics dear to my heart include adult ADHD, anxiety, mindfulness, and self-compassion. I love getting lost in good books, rich coffee, and deep conversations.
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